Category Who Important Died Today

Who Important Died Today somewhere in the world

Revealed: Award-winning producer Jerry Weintraub, 77, died after painful bowel rupture triggered two heart attacks

Award winning producer Jerry Weintraub died today

Movie producer Jerry Weintraub passed away in a hospital after suffering a bowel perforation that caused two heart attacks, it was revealed today. The 77-year-old Hollywood heavyweight, who was behind the hit Ocean’s Eleven remakes and the Karate Kid films,…

Read the StoryRevealed: Award-winning producer Jerry Weintraub, 77, died after painful bowel rupture triggered two heart attacks

Dr. David Sackett, Who Proved Aspirin Helps Prevent Heart Attacks, Dies at 80

Dr. David Sackett

Dr. David Sacket, whоѕе сlіnісаl trials рrоvеd the vаluе оf taking aspirin іn рrеvеntіng hеаrt attacks and strokes, аnd whо hеlреd ріоnееr the uѕе оf ѕtаtіѕtісаl dаtа in trеаtіng раtіеntѕ, died оn May 13 іn Markdale, Ontario. He wаѕ 80.…

Read the StoryDr. David Sackett, Who Proved Aspirin Helps Prevent Heart Attacks, Dies at 80